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AGE: N/A | FROM: Philadelphia, PA | Website: >>
Interview with Vanessa Veasley:

The following excerpt is taken from SHOWCase Premiere Issue, on sale now. Vanessa Veasley is a top model and the Editor of SHOW. Please visit her at 

Order you copy of SHOWCase NOW!!!

SGE - Last time we heard from you, you were modeling and experimenting with some acting roles. Have you added anything else to your plate?

VV - Shortly after this hoot, I joined the staff at SHOW Magazine. I love it here! It’s very challenging, but it’s a dream job…

SGE - How has your role as Editor changed your perspective on modeling?

VV - My position hasn’t really changed my personal perspective on modeling. My experience in modeling, however, really helps me understand what the girls we work with want and how they feel. I’m like a translator! [Laughs] However, as a model and Editor, I get to travel around the country and promote SHOW.

SGE - When did you first meet Sean Cummings?

VV - I first met Sean 100 years ago when he was an editor at another magazine. I did an editorial shoot for him with a rap artist. It was cool. I didn’t think I stood out, but when he started SHOW, I was cast for the premier issue. So you can say I’ve been around since day one.

SGE - You mentioned in your previous interview that your father was a jazz musician. Has his involvement in the entertainment industry affected your career choices?

VV - It has. I share the last name with my father and Jazz is a much more conservative part of the entertainment industry. I was very cautious and hesitant to take advantage of many of the opportunities offered to me earlier in my career. I don’t resent passing them up, but now that I’m out of my early 20’s; I have to start living for me. My father is supportive. He knows I’m very complex and head-strong, and I don’t make decisions in my career without careful thought.

SGE - Do you feel that being in the public eye has helped you become a stronger person?

VV - Definitely! You have to develop a thick skin quick. Everyone has an opinion and you’ll hear and see them all. You can’t validate yourself completely based on what others say. Some people get off on being negative about everything. You just have to shake it off.

SGE - What sets you apart from other models?

VV - I’m a nerd. I love sci-fi movies and books, comics, and anything that comes on the Discovery Channel and G4 Network.  The greatest my new situation is that I no longer have to do shoots that I don’t believe in. I’m secure without modeling full time so I can make modeling a passion and pastime. I can now focus on shooting concepts that make me and my fans happy. That’s why I chose to re-launch my website. will now be all about what I like, and what my viewers like. I no longer feel compelled to do what the other “urban” girls are doing. In my personal life I’ve always danced to the beat of my own drum and now I feel free to share that side of myself with the rest of the world.

SGE - Would you ever consider posing in the nude?

VV - I’m not against nudity at all. It’s how I came into this world. I love implied shots because it pushes that limit without showing all the goods. If I ever pose completely nude It would have to be tasteful and completely on my own terms.

SGE - Have you ever experienced jealousy from a significant other from you being in the spotlight?

VV - I think every model has. Most men think they can handle dating you at first. They get off on bragging about you to their friends and seeing you in magazines. When it turns into possessiveness and jealousy, I’m out! I can’t do drama.

SGE - Are you single? What would a guy have to do to get your attention?

VV - I’m single right now, but I have so much on my plate I’m not really looking. It’s not that hard to get my attention, keeping it is the challenge.

SGE - What is your website and MySpace link?

VV - My site is and you can always say hi to me on MySpace:

SGE - What can we expect from you in '09?

VV - It’s written in the stars, but I haven’t figured out how to read those yet. Just check back with me from time to time…

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