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Bon Bon Photos & Videos

SGE Content for Bon Bon in BLACK LINGERIE #30

Photos: 1 Galleries and growing
Photos: 7 Photos and growing
Photos: 4.9 MB of Photos
Videos: 2 Videos
Videos: 8 mins of footage
Videos: 84 MB of video
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Bon Bon

PHOTOS BY: Sean Cummings, @SHOWMagazine_
GRAPHIC DESIGN: @cmkdesigns
HAIR STYLIST: Al Ingram, @AlSexyHair
MAKEUP ARTIST: Angela January, @Angela_January
BOOKING INFO:: @Bonbonalley
Visit: for exclusive images and video from this issue.

Hey yall Im Bon Bon. I was born in Dallas, Texas but raised in San Diego, California. I would call myself pretty well rounded (and not just from behind). I love doing music and being in music videos. Additionally, I have recently gotten into pole fitness to work on my strength. I am a Certified Yoga Teacher in San Francisco but totally miss the SoCal sunshine.

How would you describe yourself?
I suffer from I.W.S -the "Independent Woman Syndrome". Some of the following symptoms may sound like:
"I got it."
"I can do it myself."
And the "No I dont need your help".
Im learning to get over it, but-it is a lot better than the "I know" syndrome I use to have...that one almost seemed incurable.

Why a lingerie model?
I had a 40inch hips since I started modeling so it came to the point thongs fit me better than jeans. I love my body, and as much as I love high fashion, I think I look even better without clothes. Plus Im a sucker for Lace.

What motivates you?
Besides the typical answers and sob stories; A woman once told me-"to understand life you have to live it forward looking backwards at it"...
I just want to keep living because not everyone gets that chance.

What is your style like when youre not shooting?
I had to go to Philly after being in New York for 2 weeks...when my best friend picked me up, the first thing I said to her was "Yo! take me to the mall I need a sweatsuit and a pair of air forces."(I would say "yo" after being in New York of course). I am a tom boy, I just try to cover it up with girly tight gym clothes. I love Lululemon and Sneakers.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
Oh lovely...
I can not stand when someone introduces them self by their job description; proceeds to ask yours and then asks what your name is...its tacky.

How do you evaluate success?
Success comes with an idea for a greater purpose. To achieve that purpose you have to show up. If your not going to show up for yourself what makes you think success will. Be happy for yourself. Work hard for yourself. And succeed for yourself. Success is waking everyday with a smile on your face.

What are you passionate about?
Music. I love music. I even bought an entire recording studio. Not the smartest idea if you have no idea how to record properly, but Ive been teaching myself and looking into schools. Im really into health and wellness thats one reason I turned to yoga, besides the fact Ive always been flexible.

INSTAGRAM: @Bonbonalley
TWITTER: @Bonbonalley

2 Total Galleries with 23 total photos of Bon Bon from BLACK LINGERIE #30 and other Issues

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Black Lingerie 30 Pearls
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