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Maliah Michel Photos & Videos

SGE Content for Maliah Michel in SHOW #25

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Photos: 15 Photos and growing
Photos: 10.5 MB of Photos
Videos: 1 Videos
Videos: 4 mins of footage
Videos: 42 MB of video
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I like professional men with some hood sense.
I love a man who is handling his business and
who will help me keep my shit together. Its hard
to stay focused when your life is a party. But
honestly, I dont date much its hard to find men
who are single and who can get passed what I
do and realize its a job. Its a character.
I have had best luck with older men or street
dudes. I have had a couple of relationships with
Industry men such as Drake and Sean Kingston
but I will really pass. Both were cool guys, dont
get me wrong. My relationship with Drake
started great he made me feel like I was the
only girl in the world, lol. Hes good at that from
what I hear. We dont talk at all anymore neither
one of us has the desire to. I had real love for
him and I am proud of his success. He deserves
it, as he is a very hard worker.
Sean Kingston to be honest I never thought I
would have a relationship with him and although
it never got sexual I still hold him close to my
heart. Sean is a young brilliant man. He is a go
getter and loves nice things I spent Xmas with his
family and man that Momma Kingston is a beast
she can teach u a thing or two about swag she
should do a class in which I would be her best
pupil. I love her to death. Sean had all the right
qualities just the age difference and maturity
was so off with us. But to this day Sean is who he
is. He is honest and real and I appreciate that
so much about him. To this day all I hear is that
Sean speaks highly of me, which is so important
to me, being a dancer and being in this industry.
Your reputation is everything and he has kept it
real “unlike others”.

A lot of people have had inquiries about “The
Game” since his last song “stripper” I cant lie
hes sexy. And seems to be a great dad. Which
adds extra sexy. You never know, lol. I choose
at this point to stick to older men who are ready
for what I want. Im transitioning from being an
exotic dancer to a businesswoman and its not
easy being taken seriously in the business world.
In the urban world Im the shit and am always
taken seriously, never being disrespected. I
am very proud of that. I feel it says a lot about
who I really am and it takes a real man to sit
back and contemplate that. A boy will listen
to other people and become insecure. A man
appreciates honesty and one thing about me is
its my job to tease so in my relationships I tend
to be very blunt and honest for the sake of not
bringing just pure fantasy into the mix. Although
there are plenty of fantasies fulfilled. But loyalty
is very important to me. Unfortunately it comes

What can we expect from all brand new
A lot of tips about weight loss and nutrition.
Natural beauty tips and I will have a section that
teaches dance moves and stretches a clothing
line. How to be sexy and confident in your own
skin and flexible ;o) women ask me to give them
pointers all the time about dancing but what
they dont know is the moves they will learn they
can also take with them to the bedroom. It will
be very sexual.

Twitter @IamMaliahMichel
Instagram @Maliahspics

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